small world
On fall 2004 I got to N.Y.C.. My goal was to settle in the city and soon enough I met my Israeli friends there.
I was fascinated with the looks of the people so I decided to spend some time in guesthouses and to explore what's up in the big apple.
Passing my nights with tourists from all over the world, I met some nice people and some completely foolish human beings. Then one night I met a cute, young Romanian couple.
The woman looked quite sad and said she did not want to go back to Romania. The man saw it through and realized he had to go back. That night was one of their last nights before they would leave each other. I was excited to spend their last night together with them.
I stayed in touch with the woman for a while and then we stopped talking.
The funniest thing ever happened to me a month ago during a shopping spree on fifth avenue. Just when I was about to wrap it up, in a packed A&F store, I see the same Romanian woman helping me to try a medium white burgundy stripe Champlain valley oxford classic shirt!
Later I paid on that shirt 69.99$ with tax...
Who could believe that in a city with over than 9 million residents, two years after that last night with the couple, I would encounter that women again, and in such a way (she was working in the shop)....
That only shows that we are never alone...